Biyernes, Hulyo 4, 2014

Lesson Plan

I.              Learning Objectives
At the end of the discussion the students are expected to:
·         Able to know the effect of smoking on the respiratory system
·         Participate and enjoy the activities given with regards with the topic
·         And to be conscious of the negative effects of tobacco in the human health.

II.            Learning Content

Topic:  How the cigarettes affects the lungs
Materials: Illustrations, Manila paper and Pentel Pen
Value: Consciousness and Awareness

III.           Learning Experiences

A.   Preparatory Activities
1.    Drill
Act the word

v  Divide the class into two groups
v  Each group will choose their representative in acting/illustrating the words given; it should be time – bounded.
v  The group that will have the shortest time will be declared winner.

Words to be acted
1.Disease                        3. Respiratory system                      5. Smoking
2.Lungs               4. Addiction                           6. Cigarette
                         2. Review
                                    a. Ask , what is a respiratory system?
                                    b. What are the parts of respiratory system?
                         3. Motivation
            Name any kind of cigarette that is available in a sari-sari store and ask the students who among their family members is engaged in smoking.
B.   Developmental Activities
1.    Presentation
Film Viewing
Materials: Laptop and Speakers
a.    Instruct the pupils to watch and listen carefully to the video that is being shown. So that they can answer the questions afterwards.
b.    Let the students voice- out their ideas, opinions and knowledge about the short film.
c.    Ask for volunteers otherwise call pupils to state their insights about the film.
2.    Discussion of the lesson
3.    Generalization
Ask the students “What are the effects of smoking on the respiratory system?
C.   Applicaion
With the same group, let them illustrate in front of the class the different side effects of smoking cigarettes.

IV.          Evaluatiuon

Answer the following questions below:
1.    How to take good care of our lungs?
2.    Why is it that smoking cigarettes is dangerous in our health?

V.           Assignment

Research the steps on how to stop smoking. ½ crosswise of paper.
Create through graphic art illustration on 6 digital skills. Discuss each.

At the very heart of the 21st Century Fluency Project are the Five Fluencies. We call them fluencies and not skills because we believe this level of proficiency—not just literacy, but fluency—should be the goal when we are teaching students the basic skills that are essential for functioning in life.
It’s important to note that these are not optional skills for our students, or for us. Everyone living in the 21st century and beyond will need these abilities.
They must be cultivated by every teacher in every subject, and at every grade level. And they will mean the difference between success and struggle for the students of our current Information Age. 
Our education system has taught problem-solving in a show-and-tell manner (we show students the problem, and tell them how we got the answer) that has fostered a culture of dependency, rather than discovery. But if you look at today’s economy, you’ll discover that most left-brain tasks are already automated or outsourced via Internet in a global economy, leaving jobs that require whole-brain thinking. This means creativity and problem-solving applied in real time. The 6D system is a logical, thorough, and relevant approach for tackling problems:!”
  • Define the problem, because you need to know exactly what you’re doing before you start.
  • Discover a solution, because planning prevents wasted effort.
  • Dream up a process, one that is suitable and efficient.
  • Design the process in an accurate and detailed action plan.
  • Deliver by putting the plan into action by both producing and publishing the solution.
  • Debrief and foster ownership by evaluating the problem solving process.

Because of InfoWhelm, data is increasing dramatically, facts are becoming obsolete faster, and knowledge built on these facts is less durable. Information fluency is the ability to unconsciously interpret this avalanche of data in all formats, in order to extract the essential and perceive its significance. Information fluency has 5 As, which are: 
  • Ask good questions, in order to get good answers.
  • Access and acquire the raw material from the appropriate digital information sources, which today are mostly graphical and audiovisual in nature.
  • Analyze and authenticate and arrange these materials, and distinguish between good and bad, fact and opinion. Understand bias and determine what is incomplete to turn the raw data into usable knowledge.
  • Apply the knowledge within a real world problem or simulation using a VIP action (vision into practice).
  • Assess both the product and the process, which is both a teacher and a student practice.

More and more, working, playing, and learning in today’s digital world involves working with others. It is the spirit of collaboration that will stimulate progress in our global marketplace, in our social networks, and in our ability to create products of value and substance. Collaboration fluency is the ability to successfully work and interact with virtual and real partners. The 5 Es of Collaboration fluency are: 
  • Establish the collective, and determine the best role for each team member by pinpointing each team member’s personal strengths and expertise, establishing norms, and the signing of a group contract that indicates both a collective working agreement and an acceptance of the individual responsibilities and accountability of each team member.
  • Envision the outcome, examining the issue, challenge, and goal as a group.
  • Engineer a workable plan to achieve the goal.
  • Execute by putting the plan into action and managing the process.
  • Examine the process and the end result for areas of constructive improvement.

Creativity fluency how artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling. We are all creative people. This means that creativity can be taught and learned like any other skill. It’s a whole brain process that involves both hemispheres working together. There are 5 Is to Creativity fluency:
  • Identify the desired outcome and criteria.
  • Inspire your creativity with rich sensory information.
  • Interpolate and connect the dots by searching for patterns within the inspiration that align with your desired outcome and criteria from Identify.
  • Imagine is the synthesis of Inspire and Interpolate, uniting in the birth of an idea.
  • Inspect the idea against the original criteria and for feasibility.

In our multimedia world, communication has moved far beyond the realm of text. Our visual learning capacity needs stimulation with rich media from a variety of different sources. But it’s more than just operating a digital camera, creating a podcast, or writing a document. There are two components of Media fluency—one forinput and one for output.
  • Listen actively and decode the communication by separating the media from the message, concisely and clearly verbalizing the message and verifying its authenticity, and then critically analyzing the medium for form, flow, and alignment with the intended audience and purpose.
  • Leverage the most appropriate media for your message considering your content or message and what the desired outcome is. Then consider the audience, your abilities, and any pre-determined criteria. From here, the application of the other fluencies is used to produce and publish your message.

The digital citizen uses the principles of leadershipethicsaccountability, fiscal responsibilityenvironmental awarenessglobal citizenship, and personal responsibility, and considers his or her actions and their consequences. The ideal Global Digital Citizen is defined by the presence of 5 main qualities: 
  • Personal Responsibility in ethical and moral boundaries, finance, personal health and fitness, and relationships of every definition.
  • Global Citizenship and its sense of understanding of world-wide issues and events, respect for cultures and religions, and an attitude of acceptance and tolerance in a changing world.
  • Digital Citizenship and the guiding principles of respecting and protecting yourself, others, and all intellectual property in digital and non-digital environments.
  • Altruistic Service by taking advantage of the opportunities we are given to care for our fellow citizens, and to lend our hands and hearts to these in need when the need is called for.
  • Environmental Stewardship and its common sense values about global resource management and personal responsibility for safeguarding the environment, and an appreciation and respect for the beauty and majesty that surrounds us every day.
Positive and perception of the negative effects of facebook

Let us first view a video that talks about the positive effects of facebook...

If you have watched the video, those stated there is just some of the positive effects of facebook. First, is that it able the users to interact with family, friends and even strangers. it helps those who has problems with their confidence and lower self-esteemed to regain this through interacting with the different people in the facebook community. It also opens doors to those young entrepreneurs  who've just started to promote their products through socializing as I observed online shopping is just so hot nowadays because its hassle free but precautions must be observed because many of bad people is taking advantage.   

The second video talks about the negative effects of facebook...

Facebook is addictive. I can't deny that before making this blog, facebook first. I don't know why but as long as I open anything else I should log in to my account and check my notifications. Its just become a habit. 
Easy access to the internet and having the availability everywhere means that everyone has a smartphone is engaged to social media. And some of the application in our phones requesting access in our facebook and some of us if we haven't doing anything, we just simply open our phones and tada!! facebook again, the time that should be use in studying is being wasted. Through PC's and cellphones have taken up our time that could be shared with family, friends and loved ones. 
It also affects our relationship with others. I had an experienced where one of my friends were bullying the ex of her present boyfriend, so I feel ashamed because she just showed her bad attitude, it has been said that facebook can increase jealousy. And just a day ago, the first years were commenting irresponsible words towards their senior which is not proper I was angered of his attitude because he did not respect the facilitator and posted to his facebook account this and that. 
We had to minimize using facebook and focus to the things that is in need of doing it. 

Illustrate in a grid chart differentiating the past 30 years generation and the new digital generation. Explain.

  30 years ago…

  • Sony introduces the Sony Walkman
  • Internet, broadband, WWW (browser and html)
  • PC/laptop computers
  • Mobile phones
  • E-mail
  • DNA testing and sequencing/Human genome mapping

  • Smart Boards
  • I phones
  • Google, Facebook, Youtube
  • Microsoft
  • Animation of cartoons

If I haven't googled about the passed 30 years, probably I'm going to think that they haven't had technologies way back but it amazed me because there are a lot inventions on that time. Above were some of the brilliant works of our ancestors to compare today's inventions were just an enhancement of what they did but because of the advancement we have, many inventors/scientist can create helpful to our daily lives but it also has the corresponding effect. 
In the passed 30 years, they first experienced the walkman but as of today we call it Mp3 player or Ipad and even in our cellular phones we can play our favorite songs right away. They also has the internet way back, but I guess it is limited, I mean those wealthy persons only can make use of it but unlike now everyone has the chance to manipulate Personal Computer (PC) with just a very low price and the fastest internet. 
There are a lot of inventions that is helpful to us but if we were gong to filter it, there are also useless inventions, In my own opinion, they only invented it just to be acknowledge and fame and some inventions is madami pa yung negatives than there positive effects. Negative effects with our mother earth that releasing excesses chemical that is affecting our ecosystem. so we had to choose the good one's with the unnecessary to conserve mother earth. 
How will you bridge the gap of students in the future generation, the generation of y&z?

The only thing that persists in the world is change. It is inevitable that sooner or later we are going to witness some changes, it is either positive or negative to us. We cannot deny the fact that the older generation has already experienced and gained knowledge as years passed by while the new generation has just started their journey to explore and experiment in this world.

Bridging the old and new generation is really a tough job, we might be facing trials along the way but I'm sure we're going halfway. Since, the old generation is going to adjust in adapting in the new millennium, I think the youth should work hand in hand to make them understand that we are no longer living 90's era but, we are living in the 20's where everything is fastly changing. Since it's going to be hard, the first thing that we must do is that, a thorough discussion that the way they live before is so much more different compared to today's era. neither we like it or not, we have to embraced the changes that is happening today.

And to produce a highly competitive professional in the future, we have to use high-tech machinery to meet the standards of other countries.

In my observation, the old generation has already adapt themselves and they even use social medias and also, they are literate of using such technologies in communication or even entertaining them.
How will you prepare yourself as a future digital teacher?

You can't predict what will happen in the future. So, it's better to prepare and expect for the worst than to being useless.

To prepare myself as a future digital teacher, I must work my butt off to meet my student's expectations. And as a preparation in the near future, I should learn from my seniors who engaged half of their life in molding and educating students, I am confident that they are already knowledgeable on handling students with different beliefs, cultures, religion, environment and learning styles. I should start imagining what it will look like teaching 40-50 fused in a classroom and practiced the different strategies and mastering through using them as early as today. Attending seminars will be great help too. It should also talk about technologies, since in the 21st century will be a fully technology integrated, it will be a helping hand to us, as a future educator to improve our skills in using technologies that will be use in the classroom. As an addition, it can be a means of instruction meaning, it is going to be interactive and easy to impart knowledge and to be a effective teacher I/we should engaged to master using various types of technology and we must always to update ourselves.

Teaching is a two way process. I learn with my students and they learn through me. Learning should not stop otherwise it must be continous and hand in hand we had to help each other in a better way of educating our child.